420 Smoking a joint the smoke plumes, blowing dense clouds in the later afternoon sunbeams. Captured with my Nikon

Kids These Days

Any pictures like these, as wonderful as I think they are, are not advocation. Smoke plumes in the filtered sunbeams, turning it gold and other colors.


Kids These Days

Any pictures like these, as wonderful as I think they are, are not advocation. Smoke plumes in the filtered sunbeams, turning it gold and other colors.

420 blowing clouds in the sunbeams. Captured with my Nikon

Plumes of The kids series.

A series of pictures of smoke in the sunbeams.


Plumes of The kids series.

A series of pictures of smoke in the sunbeams.

420 Smoking a joint in the car on a burn run, blowing clouds in the sun beams. Captured with my Nikon

Youth In Discretion.


Youth In Discretion.

420 Smoke clouds obscure the stoner. Captured with Nikon

In a Haze.


In a Haze.

Smoking a joint in the backseat of the car, burn run at sunset, blowing clouds in the sunbeams. Stoner life. Captured with Nikon

Joint Ventures.


Joint Ventures.

Stoner lost in the clouds passes the Joint. Captured with Nikon




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